91. Do not waste time with people who you do not enjoy.
92. Be blunt and purposeful! Censorship is for the FCC
93. Give the respect you want or get none
94. Give more and better complements and mean them
95. Not everyone is hitting on you, get over yourself
96. Driverless cars will be the death of us all!
97. By opening that bottle; it creates the special occasion.
98. Go wine tasting in Amador
99. Buy some fucking Barbera
100. Zinfandel is red, buy some and drink it with pizza, pasta or baked brie with fig jam.
101. Pay attention to people, get off your damn phone in public.
102. Get Action, Take Risks!
103. If you vote for a child rapist, then you support rape. There is no other way to put it.
104. Smoke one cigar a month at least.
105. Dear Trader Joe’s, just stop!
106. Register to vote
107. Look up at the sky one a day
108. Buy someone a drink you don’t know
109. Eat some Almonds
110. Go for a 20 minute walk each day
111. Drink some pastis
112. Learn to surf
113. Stop binging so much fucking Netflix and pick up a book
114. Check out the new Hall and Oates
115. How’d those resolutions Go?
116. Have you been to Livermore California? Go!
117. Stop procrastinating!
118. Get ready for derby day by adding mint to the garden now
119. Big rigs don’t own the road
120. Eat more fruit.
121. Drink more Rum, there are plenty of craft rums out there