In 2018, we have some choices to make about politics, country, hope and our daily lives. Make sure that no matter you are, what you think or what you believe that you participate and let truth and facts guide you. Since so many people are dumb, I have written a list of some rules that we should all live by to make and keep ourselves happy. If you do not agree, I do not care. We all have way too high an opinion of ourselves and I have been silent for far too long. 2018 is going to be my bitch so I you want to live as a hedonist, enjoy life, drink, fuck and be a better person all in one day join me!
Check out the new Whiskey reviews on YouTube
And a always, the podcast will have some cool interviews for consumption.
Each month I recommend, wines, whiskey, beer, spirits, books and podcasts for you to try, enjoy and learn from.
Justin K.