Rules for 2018 January

  1. Learn to drive moron!
  2. Listen to a new podcast every month.
  3. The horn is your friend
  4. Drink more Water
  5. Eat more cheese!
  6. Drink more whiskey
  7. Fry some zucchini
  8. Tweet Donald Trump
  9. Spend less time online and more time outside you fucking vampires (but still visit my website and podcast)
  10. Try Malort, and good luck!
  11. Stop using coconut oil unless you are cooking.
  12. Cancel cable and screw the man.
  13. Call your Congress person and tell them they have sold our nation and next time to at least sell to the highest bidder.
  14. The left lane is for FAST cars.
  15. Fuck you if you drive a Subaru Or Prius!
  16. Cut your fucking hair guys! I can’t believe I still must say this.
  17. Only ask for one Christmas present this year.
  18. If you Are willing to wait to hours to buy a phone but not to vote please leave my country.
  19. Learn to park asshole!
  20. Hit the road and see the world!
  21. Go see America before it is used by our corporate overlords.
  22. Go vote! Early and often
  23. Get off your ass and do something.
  24. Flip a coin, you know what I mean!
  25. Pay your bills on time, and screw the man by not paying fees.
  26. Clean your closet!
  27. Stop procrastinating and go do it!
  28. Play with your kids and put down your phone, ass!
  29. Say what’s on your mind!
  30. The merge is your responsibility not traffics’.
  31. Be less sensitive to what people say, grow a thicker skin.




Books to read

      • Studs Terkel- Hard Times

Podcasts to listen to –

    • My Favorite Murder